Monday, September 3, 2018

BP #1 - Introduction

Hello, my name is Leah and I’m currently a junior at the University of Tampa. My major is film, while I am also minoring in communications. Honestly, I’m mainly taking this class because it’s a required course, but I hope to learn more in depth about the influences art and technology have not only on each other, but the influences they have on society as a whole. Hopefully, I will learn a lot from this class considering the fact that I am film major and film majorly deals with both art and technology. I think this class will be a lot of fun and I’m excited to see what not only I create but what my fellow classmate come up with and create for each of the projects we have due in this class.

Some background information about me is that I am a true Floridian, born and raised. I’m from Titusville, Florida which is a small little town that is about 40 minutes from Orlando, Florida. I really don't like the small town I grew up in because everyone knowns everyone. So, everyone basically knows all of your business better than you do. This factor is one reason why I wanted to attend the University of Tampa. I wanted to venture out and be in a city instead of being out in the suburbs area. I also decided to attend The University of Tampa because I wanted to go to a university that was not too big or too far away from home. 

Some of my hobbies include things such as watching movies and TV shows, going to Disney with my best friend, travel, photography, eating, and sleeping. Not sure if those last two anyone would actually consider hobbies, but I enjoy doing them. I a big photography nerd. Last semester I took a photography course and absolutely loved it, so now anytime that I have time to grab my camera, go out, and take some pictures with my 35mm camera, I do. I enjoy doing portrait shots but I'm very much into doing landscape shots. I also love to travel. One day I would like to just drop everything and travel the world and learn about all different types of people and cultures around the world. Recently in the past few years me and my cousins have been taking trips in the US to places we've never been before and we've now been to: Philadelphia (PA), Atlanta (GA), Savannah (GA), Raleigh (NC), Gettysburg, (PA), Chicago (IL), and New York City (NY). Every place so far has been so different and unique in there own ways but I loved traveling to each place.

P.S. I recently got a puppy over the summer. Her name is Luna and she is a black Goldendoodle (half Golden Retriever, half Poodle). She is super cute and I love her very much, but she can seriously be a hand full at times.

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