doing some research on performance art I came across three female performance artist
who stuck out to me the most, Marina Abramović, Carolee Schneeman, and Ana
Mendieta. All three women are very well known in the world of performance art.
I admire each of these women because even though they all are performance
artist when it comes to their specific performance art each one of them go
about it so differently. With performance art I feel as though one’s work can
never truly be reproduced because no one but the original artist knows the
actual feelings felt and thought process of the performance when it was
originally performed.
of these women are pretty involved with feminist art, which was an art movement
that started in the 1950s and female artist would create works that were
reflected upon them personally and socially by society. A major characteristic all
three use are their bodies as a means of a medium. They tend to focus on pushing
the limits of the body and mind. I think using one’s body as a medium really
forces the audience and viewers to really consider what is happening during the
performance. In Carolee Schneeman’s performance piece Interior Scroll, Schneeman literally pulls out a scroll with a hand
written inscription from her vagina that she reads aloud. By using her actual
physical naked body Schneeman was able to get one of her major points across
which is that women have been historically treated differently because of their
biological make up and that should not be the case.
all three are involved in feminist art they each focus on different aspects.
Schneeman mainly focuses on the idea of feminism and women rights seen in
media. Mendieta focuses on her personal life and experiences and how they shaped
her life and Abramović focuses mostly on overall societal issues. I liked the
various works I saw done by Ana Mendieta because although they are influenced
by her life she seems to always include the element of nature. In many of my
works whether photography or film I somehow always seem to tie in the element
of nature. For me personally I view mother nature as this beautiful creation
that mankind doesn’t care enough about. I also admire Marina’s works because at
times her performances seem so simple but they are inspired by major issues and
influence critical thinking. Rhythm 0,
one of Abramović’s more known works, in which she had various objects of
pleasure and pain and allowed viewers to choose between which objects to use on
her. This performance in my opinion seems pretty simplistic but it showed the
true intention of some people if given the chance. People want to see the good
in other people and trust them but that isn’t always the case.
it comes to the world of performance art I feel as though it isn’t as popular
as it should be. Performance art isn’t something commonly heard or talked about
a lot in my opinion. I’m not sure if it’s because people are scared to really
open up their eyes and their minds and think critically about certain things or
if people really just don’t care. I think it’s an important part of the arts
because if forces viewers to see society or the world through a possible new
Works Cited
Gershman, Rachel. "Marina
Abramović - Artist Overview and Analysis.",ć-marina.htm, Accessed 03
November 2018.
Lopez, Alicia. "Ana Mendieta -
Artist Overview and Analysis.", Accessed 03 November 2018.
"Carolee Schneemann - Artist
Overview and Analysis.", Accessed 03 November
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